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How to Optimize a Landing Page: Tips and Best Practices

by Natalie MacDonald & Randy Huynh | July 31, 2023

A successful landing page must be optimized to attract more visitors, increase conversions, and provide a memorable user experience for your visitors.  By creating an engaging and well-designed landing page with informative content, you can ensure that visitors will have a positive experience and be more likely to convert.

Silverback’s lead Technical Developer, Randy Huynh, and Senior Designer, Natalie MacDonald, share their tips and best practices on making your landing page a powerful tool for achieving your business goals.

What is Landing Page Optimization?

Landing page optimization is the process of making a webpage better so that more people take action –  like buying something or signing up. It involves making the page easier to understand, adding appealing pictures, and placing buttons in the right spots. The goal is to make the page so good that people want to stay and do what you want them to do.

Primary Goals of Optimizing a Landing Page

When optimizing your landing page, there are three primary goals that should guide your efforts: attracting more website visitors, boosting conversions, and enhancing the user experience. By strategically implementing effective optimization techniques, optimizing design and content, and creating a seamless user experience, you can significantly increase website traffic and conversions.

  • Attract more website visitors: Use effective optimization techniques to increase visibility and organic traffic. The better the user experience, the more users you will attract and keep on the page.
  • Boost conversions: Improve the conversion rate by optimizing design, content, and user experience. Keep this in mind when designing for a great user experience. When it’s done well, no one notices it, which is what you want for UX/UI design. When users don’t have to think about where to go next on the page, you know the design is well crafted.
  • Enhance user experience: Create a seamless and enjoyable experience for users, making it easier for them to find information and take desired actions. The goal is pinpointing any areas that could cause frustration (or reasons why a customer is not converting) and finding creative solutions to enhance the overall experience and quickly guide them to the information they need – plus boost conversions in the process. 

Creative Optimization Elements 

Creative optimization is the art of testing and refining the design and content of a landing page to maximize its performance and reach business goals faster. This process includes testing different elements such as headlines, form styles, page layout, calls to action (CTA) color/layout, images, and copy to determine which combination of elements will result in the highest conversion rate. 

  • Headlines: Test different headline variations for impact and relevance to capture users’ attention.
  • Form styles: Experiment with different form styles to enhance user experience and encourage form submissions.
  • Page layout: Test variations in layout to find the most visually appealing and intuitive arrangement.
  • CTA color/layout: Experiment with different colors and layouts for call-to-action buttons to optimize click-through rates.
  • Images: Test different images to determine which resonates best with the target audience and support the messaging.
  • Copy: Experiment with variations in copywriting to find the most persuasive and compelling messaging.

How to Optimize a Landing Page

There are several steps you can take to optimize your landing page and make sure you’re getting the results you want.

1. Identify Problems

Before proceeding with the optimization process, scrutinize your landing page for any obvious problems or potential enhancements. This thorough analysis will show you which elements are causing frustration for your users.

Determine what brings users to your landing page and analyze potential obstacles that could prevent them from converting. Are there any elements that might cause frustration or confusion? Identifying these issues will help you address them effectively.

2. Know Your Audience

Optimized content should connect with your target audience. Aligning messaging, tone, and value propositions with their needs boosts engagement and conversions.

Here’s what to keep in mind when writing content:

  • Researching your audience: Conduct thorough audience research to understand their demographics, motivations, and pain points. Use this information to create compelling content that addresses their specific challenges and provides relevant solutions.
  • Personalizing your content: Segment your audience based on different characteristics or buyer personas. Tailor your content to speak directly to each segment, highlighting the benefits they’ll gain from your product or service. Utilize personalization techniques to create a more engaging and personalized user experience.
  • Incorporating social proof: Include testimonials, case studies, or customer reviews on your landing page to establish trust and credibility. Highlight success stories that resonate with your target audience and showcase the positive experiences of previous customers.

3. Use Visuals and Persuasive Language for CTAs

Persuasive language and compelling visual elements can guide users down the page and encourage them to take whatever action you’re looking for them to take. Here are a couple tips for CTAs: 

  • Visual hierarchy and attention-grabbing elements: Design your landing page with a clear visual hierarchy that directs users’ attention to key elements, such as the headline, CTA, and important information. Use contrasting colors, bold typography, and relevant images to create visual interest and draw attention to your CTA.
  • Persuasive and actionable language: Craft compelling copy that conveys the unique value proposition of your product or service. Use persuasive language to clearly communicate the benefits users will receive by taking the desired action. Employ action-oriented words and phrases to motivate users to click on your CTA.

4. Implement A/B Testing for Comparison

A/B testing is a great creative approach for optimizing your landing page. Comparing various versions helps identify the most effective design and content elements that drive conversions. Follow these best practices for successful A/B testing:

  • Testing individual elements: Conduct A/B tests by changing one element at a time, such as headlines, button colors, images, or form layouts. This will help you isolate the impact of each element on user behavior and identify the most effective variations.
  • Establishing a control group: Always have a control group that represents the original version of your landing page. This allows you to compare the performance of new variations against the baseline to measure the effectiveness of your changes accurately.
  • Setting clear goals and metrics: Clearly define the goals of your A/B tests, whether it’s increasing click-through rates, form submissions, or overall conversions. Set specific metrics to measure the success of each variation and determine statistically significant results.

5. Craft Compelling Content and Headlines

Content and headlines capture users’ attention and convey your offer’s value. Here are our suggested strategies for optimizing your content and headlines:

  • Concise and impactful headlines: Craft attention-grabbing headlines that clearly communicate the unique selling proposition and create a sense of urgency or curiosity. Use power words, numbers, and action-oriented language to entice users to continue reading.
  • Clear and persuasive copy: Write concise and compelling copy that highlights the key benefits and addresses the pain points of your target audience. Break down the content into easily scannable sections, using bullet points, subheadings, and bold text to emphasize important information.
  • Implementing social proof: Incorporate testimonials, reviews, or endorsements from satisfied customers to establish credibility and build trust. Use social proof strategically throughout your landing page to reinforce the value of your offer and alleviate any doubts or hesitations users may have.

6. Make Your New Page Mobile Friendly 

Enhancing your landing page for mobile devices ensures a seamless user experience and maximizes conversions. Here are some ways that you can make your page more mobile-friendly: 

  • Responsive design: Implement a responsive design approach that ensures your landing page adapts and displays optimally across various screen sizes and devices. Use CSS media queries to adjust the layout, font sizes, and image dimensions based on the device’s screen size.
  • Condensed navigation: Due to limited screen space on mobile devices, streamline your navigation menu to save space and improve usability. Consider using a hamburger menu or collapsible menu to provide easy access to navigation options while conserving screen real estate.
  • Larger font sizes: Increase the font sizes on your landing page to ensure legibility and readability on smaller screens. Aim for a minimum font size of 16px to enhance the user experience and make your content easily readable.
  • Optimized images: Compress and optimize images to reduce file sizes and improve loading times on mobile devices. Use formats such as JPEG or WebP, and consider lazy-loading images to prioritize content above the fold and improve page load speed.

7. Improve Page Load Speed in Landing Page Optimization

Achieving a faster page load speed enhances user experience and reducing bounce rates, which positively impact conversions. Try these techniques to improve page load speed for your website:

  • Image optimization: Compress images to reduce file sizes without compromising quality using tools like ImageOptim, TinyPNG, or Kraken.io. Resize images to fit the dimensions required on your landing page and use appropriate file formats to minimize file size.
  • Code minification: Minify your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files by removing unnecessary characters, whitespace, and comments. Use online tools or task runners like Gulp or Grunt to automate the minification process.
  • Caching: Implement browser caching by configuring HTTP headers to instruct browsers to cache static resources. Leverage techniques such as setting appropriate cache-control headers and utilizing server-side caching mechanisms.
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN): Utilize a CDN to distribute your landing page’s assets across multiple servers located in different geographic regions. By delivering content from servers closer to your users, you can reduce latency and improve page load speed.

8. Streamline Layout and Structure for Landing Page Effectiveness

A well-designed layout and structure can notably influence user engagement and conversions. These best practices will help you make the most out of your landing page:

  • Clear and focused messaging: Ensure your landing page delivers a clear and concise message that aligns with your marketing goals. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to break down content and guide users through the page.
  • Strategic use of white space: Incorporate ample white space around elements to improve readability and create visual breathing room. White space helps separate different sections and allows important elements to stand out.
  • Visual hierarchy: Organize your content in a visually hierarchical manner, highlighting important elements like headlines, key messages, and CTAs. Use techniques such as size, color, and positioning to guide users’ attention and emphasize critical information.
  • Intuitive navigation: Design your landing page with a logical flow that leads users from the headline to the CTA seamlessly. Ensure navigation elements, such as menus or buttons, are intuitive and clearly indicate the next steps for users.

9. Use Analytics for Performance Tracking and Adjustments

Data-driven analytics provides valuable insights into your landing page’s performance. Making sure that your landing pages are set up properly with good tracking (regardless of whether it’s Google Analytics or another platform) is an important step when trying to understand the performance of your landing pages. 

  • Implementing tracking tools: Set up web analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, to track key metrics like conversion rates, bounce rates, and user behavior on your landing page. Ensure that your tracking codes are properly installed and configured.
  • Analyzing user behavior: Dive into the analytics data to gain insights into how users interact with your landing page. Identify any bottlenecks or areas where users drop off or lose interest. Pay attention to conversion funnels and user flow to pinpoint potential areas for improvement.
  • Making data-driven adjustments: Use the analytics data to inform your optimization efforts. Make iterative changes based on the insights you gather, such as adjusting the placement of CTAs, optimizing page load speed, or refining content elements. Continuously monitor and evaluate the impact of these adjustments to ensure ongoing optimization.

Optimize Your Content With Silverback Strategies

Learn how Silverback can help you make the most of your landing pages. Our team of experts is ready to optimize your online presence, helping you stay ahead of the competition and establish yourself as the leading expert in your field. Explore our past work and see why hiring a digital marketing agency could be the solution your business needs. 

Contact us today at 571-234-5784 or 215-709-9559, email us at info@silverbackstrategies.com, or fill out our online contact form. Let’s work together to maximize your success!

Natalie MacDonald | Senior Designer

Natalie is a passionate designer with expertise in growth marketing design, UX/UI design, and Illustration. Design is about many things: Users, problem solving and information. But at its core, it’s storytelling. With her artistic talents and performance-driven mindset, she helps clients craft a visual strategy that both engages viewers and conveys a brand’s message in a compelling way.

Randy Huynh | Lead Developer

Randy is an experienced developer with expertise in variety of website platforms and integrations. He enjoys finding solutions to unique technical roadblocks.

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How to Optimize Core Web Vitals Beyond Nitropack

by Randy Huynh | March 21, 2023

The metrics behind Core Web Vitals ultimately help measure a website’s performance, user experience, and overall security to provide a fast, safe, responsive, and enjoyable user experience. And while the methodology behind improving your Core Web Vitals (CWV) may change, their impact on improving your site’s performance remains unchanged.

In the past, Silverback (and many other users) turned to Nitropack to find some quick wins to improve Core Web Vital scores. Over time, though, we realized it wasn’t a long-term solution. Nitropack can work well for some websites but creates issues for complex projects. For sites designed to scale, there needs to be a sound web optimization strategy for sustainable increases in your Core Vital Metrics.

First, Some Background: What is Nitropack? 

Nitropack is an optimization plugin that makes your website load faster through image optimization, code mining, caching, lazy loading, and other techniques. Once installed, it’s a great solution for companies that need a fast-loading website for its user experience but don’t have the budget for a developer to constantly optimize to improve their Core Web Vitals. 

Manually optimizing a website is a long process and includes trial and error to see which files can be condensed or delayed without impacting a website’s user experience. For example, you could delay a script to load but unintentionally cause some website components to stop working correctly. This can be a time-consuming process. To make this process easier, website owners can use automation tools like Nitropack to help optimize their websites. Automation tools can provide insights into which files can be optimized and can help speed up the optimization process.

How Does Nitropack Work?

Achieving the highest possible score on Core Web Vitals requires loading the least amount of files, Javascript code, and CSS styling for the user to interact with a website. From a visual standpoint, you can think of how a website renders information by comparing it to how a car is built on an assembly line. Companies will try to reduce production costs by minimizing the required touchpoints to assemble a car. Today, vehicles are produced through collaboration between humans and machines.

Websites take a similar approach to assembling information. A website’s “human” component is how you’ve built and designed it and how you intend the user to engage with it. If you have a website that isn’t optimized, your server will probably try to render every single file built into your website. The results aren’t ideal and mean longer load times and higher bounce rates, which can drag down your Google ranking and conversions. Research shows that website conversion rates drop by an average of 4.42% with each additional second of load time.

When Nitropack is installed, it serves as the “machine and optimizer” for your website. It figures out how to optimize for Core Web Vitals through:

  • Lazy loading CSS files and images
  • Adding an attribute for external script files that tells the server not to wait for the script to render
  • Identifying what CSS files it needs to execute first to display the site normally

Once Nitropack identifies what optimizations are needed, it renders a “cache” version of your site. The “cache” is delivered to a visitor and then, depending on how the user interacts with the website, will load the necessary files to improve the user experience. Core Web Vitals scores your site on how fast it renders, so a “cache” version of the site will ideally give you a high score for both desktop and mobile. Creating a faster load time to enhance the user experience is among the biggest selling points of using Nitropack.

The Issues with Nitropack

Over time, we found Nitropack worked well for various websites, but noticed display issues when it came to complex websites requiring the highest possible user experience. Nitropack requires the user to interact with the website to load more files, yet for some websites, it creates a large amount of white space during the loading process. For example, if your website has a hero slider, users might see a blank white space until they interact with the “slider area” before the images load correctly. We also noticed issues with inaccurate data being recorded. Some scripts used to track user activity didn’t function properly. 

To their credit, Nitropack has an excellent support team to help troubleshoot issues you see on a Nitropack-optimized website. You can also provide “exceptions” inside the plugin, so it knows not to optimize under specific conditions. There are issues with adding exceptions, and the more you add, the lower your Core Web Vital score will be, depending on how it impacts your website’s load time. When Nitropack no longer delivers the highest scores possible for Core Web Vitals, it’s time to transition to manually optimizing your website.

How to Improve Core Web Vitals Beyond Nitropack

We take several steps to improve clients’ Core Web Vitals beyond Nitropack. 

  • Step 1: Review error messages from a website’s Core Web Vitals through Google Search Console.
  • Step 2: Identify the error messages impacting the largest number of pages. 
  • Step 3: Focus on one URL at a time and make the necessary optimizations, then test if the score changes on page speed.web.dev to see if we can remove the error messages.
  • Step 4: Once the site has received the highest possible score, submit a “validation fix” to Core Web Vitals.
  • Step 5: Keep repeating the process for other error messages impacting the largest number of pages before working through the alerts on the rest of the site. 

Optimizing a website manually isn’t strictly a step-by-step process. It also involves a creative approach and experimentation. Every website is built differently, so some strategies you find online are the “base” of optimizing a site. If your score still isn’t improving once you’ve done everything you can with the help of resources you find online, you’ll need to get creative with out-of-the-box ideas. Brainstorm what can be swapped out based on user interactions and go deeper to reduce any unnecessary code for a specific page.

What Tools Should I Use? 

The question isn’t as much which tools to use, but how to test and measure your results when your Core Web Vitals assessment fails. Any optimization tools should be used on a staging area of your website first. Then, they should be immediately checked on pagespeed.web.dev or lighthouse to see if the optimizations improve your website’s Core Web Vitals score.

How Long Does it Take? 

Whether or not your site optimizations worked can be checked quickly on pagespeed.web.dev, but the “validation fix” on Google Search Console may take up to 28 days. Why the disparity? “pagespeed.web.dev” relies on bots to give a quick diagnosis of your website, but Google Search Console leverages actual user data from website visits to determine if you’re cleared from any of the errors that were previously found. 

Should I Get Rid of Nitropack? 

Whether or not you should get rid of Nitropack depends on your situation. If you’re strapped for time and have a tight budget, it’s still a great option in your SEO toolbox. However, if you can invest in some resources or want to make serious gains on your SEO, it’s worth getting rid of Nitropack and hiring a developer or partnering with an agency to help optimize your Core Web Vitals. 

When weighing your options, you can think of Nitropack as a “short-term” solution to quickly optimize your site, but having a developer is the “long-term” solution. Our team views Nitropack as a short-term solution because, at the end of the day, you are relying on a 3rd party company to constantly ensure that your website is optimized. 

Meanwhile, a developer is adding code to your website files that are permanent and do not rely on 3rd party tools to improve and sustain your Core Web Vitals. A developer or 3rd party company goes through the trial and creative thinking required to figure out ways to increase the Core Web Vital scores without impacting user experience on the website.

Core Web Vitals is Just One Part of a Successful SEO Strategy 

There’s more to building and sustaining a successful SEO strategy than improving your Core Web Vitals. Your website is your digital marketing hub, a lead generation tool, and a signal of credibility to your audience. Your site also needs a good UX, optimized content, and technical expertise. Get the full story on what you need for good SEO in our guide: The Marketing Leaders’ Guide to SEO.

Randy Huynh | Lead Developer

Randy is an experienced developer with expertise in variety of website platforms and integrations. He enjoys finding solutions to unique technical roadblocks.

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